10 best AI tools for meeting notes in 2023

  • Por Sophia Silva
  • 27/06/2023 às 8:40 atualizado em (27/09/2023 às 15:36)
  • 13min de leitura

Technology is increasingly present in our work environment. That’s why more and more big companies are focusing on creating new trends, and one of them is the fantastic artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as tools for meeting notes that use artificial intelligence. This type of AI tool is very useful for those who need agility to write down important information shared in a call.

Of the most popular tools for this purpose, we can mention two:

However, these are not the only note-taking tools available on the market. If what you’re looking for are AIs that help streamline your work, in this article we’re going to introduce you to 10 AI tools for meeting notes

What are artificial intelligence tools?

Artificial intelligence tools are software with intelligent features, such as being able to learn, reason, and even make decisions in a way that tries to be very similar to humans. This technology was developed with the aim of helping with everyday tasks, especially the most repetitive ones, helping people to increase efficiency, just like these 7 artificial intelligence websites to increase productivity.

In addition, artificial intelligence tools are capable of delivering results that are often better than ours. After all, human beings are susceptible to errors, as our brain is not always performing well and can make mistakes. As artificial intelligence software does not feel the negative impacts of everyday life and acts as software, they are able to eliminate failures.

You possibly know that artificial intelligence is an emerging technology that is here to stay, but what few people know is that it is much more present in our lives than we imagine. Discover these 20 examples of artificial intelligence present in everyday life.

Also, check out these 6 sites to create texts with artificial intelligence.

AI tools for meeting notes

By using tools to take notes in meetings, you get an excellent ally for your work. A good AI in this area will help you identify keywords in a call and even break down what topics were discussed, allowing you to capture the most relevant points without having to do a complete review of the material after the meeting.

Furthermore, by using an artificial intelligence tool in charge of taking notes and organizing information, you have the opportunity to focus on the meeting, participate in discussions, and contribute your ideas.

See now which are the 10 tools that can help you organize information during meetings.

1. MeetGeek

MeetGeek AI tools for meeting notes

With MeetGeek you can increase the value of your meetings. Through this platform, it is possible to record, transcribe, summarize, and automatically share the main insights of each call. This artificial intelligence tool works with the main online meeting sites such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams. Thus, you no longer need to spread your attention in a professional video call between what is being said and writing.

MeetGeek understands how important it is for your company that information discussed in a meeting such as sales, customer feedback, division of tasks, and contracts are well understood. Therefore, the platform allows you to create highlights of your video calls with just a few clicks that need to be longer so that you can later send the insights to your team. As a result, it will have reinforcement of everything that was said.

In addition, all summaries that are made, regardless of whether they were carried out on Zoom, Google Meet, or Teams, can be safely saved wherever you want. In case you need to add uploaded audio files to generate automatic transcripts, MeetGeek makes that possible for you too. That way, it’s easier to find some information about a meeting through a keyword. With MeetGeek, you can create teams and automatically share meeting recordings, summaries, or highlights with the departments with which you need to stay aligned.

Another highlight of MeetGeek is that it helps you improve your relationship with your customers. In meetings where you end up writing down what the customer is saying, it can give the impression that you are not giving them the right attention. So that doesn’t happen, while you have meetings with a consumer of your product, the AI ​​will automatically capture the conversation in the background for you.


  • Make a complete paragraph with the highlights of the meeting;
  • Transcripts of the meeting with timestamps;
  • Lets you share meeting notes with other apps;
  • Allows you to measure and discover the weak points of your meetings;
  • It has predefined meeting templates.


  • No API available;
  • The meeting review process can be slow.



  • Pro: $19
  • Business: $39


  • Pro: $180
  • Business: $348

Get to know MeetGeek right now and enjoy the 14-day trial period.

Want to learn more about artificial intelligence? So know now what types of artificial intelligence exist.

2. Otter

Otter AI tools for meeting notes

Another name on our list of AI tools for meeting notes is Otter. This artificial intelligence can record audio, take notes, automatically capture slides, and even generate summaries of your professional video calls. Through it, it is also possible to collaborate with co-workers, add comments, highlight key points, and assign action items.

To have this ally in your calls, just add it to the calendars of the most used sites for online meetings, Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams. If someone needs to share slides in the video call, Otter is able to automatically capture the information from that material to insert in the meeting notes. This makes you have a very detailed content of the data presented and discussed at the meeting.

If you are a student or a teacher, this AI can help you a lot. With distance learning increasingly common, a tool that transcribes audio becomes essential so that no relevant data is lost. But that’s not the only way Otter can help in the educational field. That’s because the platform provides subtitles in real-time, which makes classes much more accessible.

It is worth mentioning that the voice reproduction in the written form of Otter is performed in real-time. This functionality makes meetings more productive and automated, as no one has to worry about keeping a piece of paper to write down important points. In addition, as soon as your meeting ends, the artificial intelligence sends a summary of what was said in your email. That way, you don’t waste time and can already review the entire transcript.


  • Allows transcribed content to be edited;
  • It has an app for Android and iOS;
  • It has built-in search capabilities;
  • Keeps an accurate record of customer requests and questions;
  • Creates StoryTellings for you.


  • The free version offers few features;
  • Only allows you to import only 10 audio files per month.



  • Pro: $16.99
  • Business: $30


  • Pro: $99.96 (per month)
  • Business: $240 (per month)

Test the free version of Otter to get to know the tool.

3. Jamie

Jamie is an artificial intelligence tool that allows you to have the summary of any meeting, in any language and on any platform. This artificial intelligence works in a very simple way. When entering a call, it will ask you if you want to generate the summary. If you decide to do so, it will use the audio from the video call to generate the summary. Soon after, it will compile information for you in just a few seconds.

In addition to helping you save time and focus on your meetings, this platform has an advanced system with training in more than 170 billion parameters to be one of the best AI tools for meeting notes. We can’t help but also point out that it allows you to share summaries with call participants at the click of a button.

4. Fireflies

Fireflies is also one of the AI tools for meeting notes that allows, in addition to the transcription and recording of the audio of a meeting, the sending of previously recorded audio files to be transcribed. In addition, it can be integrated with various video calling platforms such as Google Meet, RingCentral, Aircall, and Zoom. For this tool to take note of your meetings, just add it to your calendar, which makes it extremely simple to use.

The main purpose of Fireflies is to help you save time. Therefore, it enables one-hour meetings to be summarized in just five minutes. The platform is also worth mentioning for letting you see important metrics in just one click, such as action items, research, and questions. And of course, with this AI you can filter the main topics discussed in your meetings.

Ever thought about working in the promising field of AI? So get to know the 9 areas where you can act and work with artificial intelligence.

5. Supernormal


Adding further value to our selection of the best AI tools for meeting notes is Supernormal which already serves over 50,000 companies and individuals. By using this AI, you will be able to obtain the most important information about your meeting in a few seconds. That way you will no longer be super busy on a call and you will be able to focus on the video call while all the relevant points are selected for you.

With Supernormal, you don’t have to worry about a language barrier. After all, it is possible to create notes in several languages. All meetings held on this platform are stored securely on the site itself so that you have easy access to them and still have the opportunity to share. Another great advantage of this AI is that it has sales meeting templates that can help you call important customers.

6. Sembly

Sembly, like the rest of our list, transcribes, takes meeting notes, and generates insights for your professional meetings. However, it deserves to be in our selection for being able to replace you in a meeting in case you have scheduled two for the same time. Check in which it is necessary for you to speak, and in which your presence would be more to write down some tasks, send Sembly to take your place.

This artificial intelligence will take all the notes so you can quickly review them whenever you want. It is also possible to automate your follow-ups with Sembly. That’s because it allows you to create, edit and share meeting minutes with relevant people from your work through automatic meeting notes. In this way, the platform makes it much simpler to transmit insights to common task management tools.

7. Fathom

Although it can be used in the main meeting sites, Fathom stands out for offering more features than Zoom. For example, it allows its users to create recordings of meetings on the remote conferencing service with a tool for users to highlight important moments in their video call that will be marked in the transcript.

Right after your call ends, you’ll have instant access to the meeting recording, fully transcribed with all your moments highlighted. Plus, Fathom automatically generates and syncs call notes to all the right places in your CRM. The platform is free and supports six languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese.

8. Avoma

Avoma enables collaborative notes during meetings that can be shared with the team. Its video and audio recordings and transcriptions are automatic and it also has the option of letting you mark important moments. This way, you can remember what was important in the call. Other features worth mentioning in this AI are scheduling, agenda templates, and collaboration, something that facilitates the organization of your tasks.

Furthermore, Avoma has integration with CRM software so that video recordings can be protected directly. The AI ​​tool even helps you learn from every interaction so you can know what’s working and what’s not in your customer interactions. Still aiming to reinforce your sales success, it offers an instant overview of the most mentioned and least mentioned competitors by your customers.

Discover the 10 best artificial intelligence image editing apps.

9. Timz Flowers

Timz Flower

Another important name among the best AI tools for meeting notes is Timz Flowers. This platform is the true all-in-one as it manages to combine AI and video calling capabilities for distributed teams. In addition to collaborative notes, it does video summaries and recaps of key information from your meeting. The compilation of information is automatically received by email or Slack.

With Timz Flowers you can extract insights from your videos, so your team can act based on accurate and reliable data. You can also find all the meeting details in seconds on this platform. To do this, just ask the AI ​​chatbot questions, such as “What did Alex say about this month’s bonus?”. And for those of you who cannot attend all meetings, this artificial intelligence makes all the important summaries for you to stay on top of what was said.

10. Colibri

Colibri appears at the end of the selection of artificial intelligence in this article. It is ideal for those who appreciate having a simple note-taking tool for their meetings, but without giving up the organization. This AI records your video conferences and shows you transcripts in real time, maintaining a searchable library of all your professional calls. In addition, this platform is capable of detecting topics and extracting questions from customers.

Colibri provides closed captioning of the meeting as you speak, so you never miss a word. So that no one on your team misses out on relevant information, the AI ​​automatically posts the meeting transcript to Slack at the time you are communicating. In this way, the people relevant to this meeting stay on top of what is happening and still have support material for after the meeting where they can contribute with relevant ideas.

Which artificial intelligence takes Zoom meeting notes?

MeetGeek is one of the most used artificial intelligence to transcribe and analyze all your Zoom calls in a secure place. Another tool that offers these functionalities for the remote conference service is Otter, which allows you to highlight important moments in your video call to send to the participants.

What tool takes meeting notes on Google Meet?

Otter is a tool that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to take meeting notes on Google Meet. It transcribes meetings in real-time, creating high-quality notes broken down by topics that are easy to search. Otter is also compatible with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other video conferencing tools.

What is the best AI tool for summarizing meetings?

MeetGeek is the best artificial intelligence tool for summarizing online meetings and video calls because, in addition to offering predefined video call templates, it helps you measure and discover what were the weak points of your meetings and automatically share the main insights of each call.

What are artificial intelligence tools?

ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, Olli.ai, and Animaker Voice are the most famous and most used artificial intelligence tools. They have gained prominence for being able to help people and companies to simplify complex processes, which results in improved productivity and user experience.

What are the 3 types of artificial intelligence?

The main types of artificial intelligence are reactive AI, bounded AI, and general AI. The first is designed to solve a specific problem and has no memory capacity. The second is able to learn from previous experiences. The latter is capable of performing any task a human being can do.

How to convert meeting audio to text?

Currently, there are several services to convert audio from a meeting into text available on the internet. However, they are overly simple tools and are not capable of understanding and organizing content in the same way as professional tools like MeetGeek and Otter.